Our Approach
At OOS, excellence has always meant more than just high levels of academic performance, as experimenting with new ideas, developing new skills, exploring different perspectives, and growing in areas of one's natural talents are continually encouraged.
It is this competitive spirit, coupled with its best practices and quality deliverance, that the school and its faculty are committed to preserving and extending the ideals that have defined the institution. Some of these are a healthy teacher-student ratio, high academic and ethical standards, integrity, personal attention to the needs of each child, applying education as a means to social improvement, and being a cradle for civic leadership.
Attention to the personal growth and physical development in the form of sports and extra-curricular activities combined with academic training creates the perfect ground where individuality is honored, diversities are embraced, and no effort is spared in making its alumni confident and successful citizens of the world.
A Diverse Learning Organization
- Excel as a learning organization
- Adapt and learn from change
- Continually improve our quality of service
Shared Expectations
- Foster healthy parental partnerships
- Provide avenues for beneficial parental involvement
An Atmosphere of Mutual Respect and Trust
- Create a climate that assures the total involvement of students in learning
- Foster positive relationships between students, teachers, peers and staff
- Ensure safety and security of students and staff
- Provide opportunities for demonstrating responsibility
- Encourage respect for self, each other and the academic fraternity
The Holistic Education of Every Student
- Physical- healthy body development
- Mental & Intellectual – healthy mind and knowledge development
- Social - healthy relationship development
- Ethical Values – healthy value development
- Emotional – healthy development of emotional intelligence