Brainofest 2022
Gold Topper at the 7th International Online Abacus Competition
Hearty congratulations to Aarna Agoram of KG2 K for being declared the Gold Topper at the 7th International Online Abacus Competition – Brainofest 2022 conducted on the 29th of January 2022 in the Level 3 category. With over 20K students participating from around the world, Aarna completed 30 sums in 4 minutes with ease.Recollecting her stint with numbers her parents proudly claim that her training started even before she learnt numbers 1 to 10 at school, as they noticed her flair for numbers and mental math. After completing the Little BOBS training in Abacus, she entered Level 3 directly where she excelled with mental calculations. Currently she is well versed with her multiplication tables and solves multiplication and division sums with amazing speed and technique.In addition to her numerical skills, Aarna is also fluent in her reading skills and reads level 4 books with ease.We wish Aarna Agoram the very best in all her future endeavors and hope to see her win many more medals and certificates.